Sunday, January 29, 2017

Gummy Candy of Meiji

In Japan speaking as Gummy most people think of Meiji's Gummy Candy.


When you enter convenience stores such as Seven-Eleven, Family Mart, Lawson you can see Gummy Candy of Meiji.

Meiji's Gummy Candy features 100% fruit which means containing condensed 100% fruit juice.

It also features containing collagen which has a good  influence on your skin.

The shape is an orange.

They say that collagen keeps you from getting wrinkles, flap of skin.


Young women prefer having Gummy Candy rather than having chocolate,cookies for their beauty.

Having too much Gummy Candy is not good for health because it has sugar.

Sugar could lead to fatness.

It is important to eat moderate amount.

You can control your weight with using Gummy Candy well.

Meiji's Gummy Candy has a lot of kinds, so you would not get a bit tired of having it.

You can enjoy various flavor.

The shape is a grape.

Name: Kaju Gummy
Category: Gummy Candy
Maker:Meiji Holdings Co,.Ltd.
Price: 108yen (0.93 dollar as at 1/27/2017)
Mart: Lawson Store 100
Calorie: 169 kcal per 1 pack( 51g )

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