Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Chip Star by YAMAZAKI-BISCUITS Co., Ltd.

When I am tired of eating normal potato chips, I buy molded potato chips.

Among them I often buy Chip Star.

The product was launched in 1976.

Most Japanese people are familiar with Chip Star, The shape of potato is unique.

You can remember easily the product because of the shape of the package.

It is a cylinder case made of paper and universal design is adopted.

Salty taste Chip Star is in the red package.

Red is the signature color of Chip Star.

YAMAZAKI-BISCUITS Co., Ltd. uses potatoes made in the United States.

They are suitable to french-fried potato.

The maker makes an effort to make Chip Star taste better every time.

It makes Chip Star with vegetable oil and fat, so the potato is refreshing!

I am sure that you would not lose interest about Chip Star because of the plain taste.

Name: Chip Star
Category: Potato chips
Price: 108yen (0.93 dollar as at 1/27/2017)
Mart: Lawson Store 100
Calorie: 266 kcal per 1 pack( 50g )

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