Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Chip Star by YAMAZAKI-BISCUITS Co., Ltd.

When I am tired of eating normal potato chips, I buy molded potato chips.

Among them I often buy Chip Star.

The product was launched in 1976.

Most Japanese people are familiar with Chip Star, The shape of potato is unique.

You can remember easily the product because of the shape of the package.

It is a cylinder case made of paper and universal design is adopted.

Salty taste Chip Star is in the red package.

Red is the signature color of Chip Star.

YAMAZAKI-BISCUITS Co., Ltd. uses potatoes made in the United States.

They are suitable to french-fried potato.

The maker makes an effort to make Chip Star taste better every time.

It makes Chip Star with vegetable oil and fat, so the potato is refreshing!

I am sure that you would not lose interest about Chip Star because of the plain taste.

Name: Chip Star
Category: Potato chips
Price: 108yen (0.93 dollar as at 1/27/2017)
Mart: Lawson Store 100
Calorie: 266 kcal per 1 pack( 50g )

Monday, January 30, 2017

Pizza Potato by Calbee

Pizza Potato is a collaboration of pizza and potato chips.

Calbee launched Pizza Potato in 1992, so it remains a long-selling product.

It looks delicious.

Most young people have eaten Pizza Potato.

The potato is thicker than normal potato chips and jagged.

You will feel it is crunchy when having it.

There is a cheese topping on Pizza Potato, so you have feeling of eating the real pizza.

Emmental cheese and red cheddar cheese are used in plenty.

And meat, tomato, spice are used, too.

It means Pizza Potato is luxury considering the price.

It is also an addictive junk food.

You have to be careful not to have too much Pizza Potato.

Name: Pizza Potato
Category: Potato chips
Maker: Calbee, Inc.
Price: 108yen (0.93 dollar as at 1/27/2017)
Mart: Lawson Store 100
Calorie: 348 kcal per 1 pack( 63g )

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Gummy Candy of Meiji

In Japan speaking as Gummy most people think of Meiji's Gummy Candy.


When you enter convenience stores such as Seven-Eleven, Family Mart, Lawson you can see Gummy Candy of Meiji.

Meiji's Gummy Candy features 100% fruit which means containing condensed 100% fruit juice.

It also features containing collagen which has a good  influence on your skin.

The shape is an orange.

They say that collagen keeps you from getting wrinkles, flap of skin.


Young women prefer having Gummy Candy rather than having chocolate,cookies for their beauty.

Having too much Gummy Candy is not good for health because it has sugar.

Sugar could lead to fatness.

It is important to eat moderate amount.

You can control your weight with using Gummy Candy well.

Meiji's Gummy Candy has a lot of kinds, so you would not get a bit tired of having it.

You can enjoy various flavor.

The shape is a grape.

Name: Kaju Gummy
Category: Gummy Candy
Maker:Meiji Holdings Co,.Ltd.
Price: 108yen (0.93 dollar as at 1/27/2017)
Mart: Lawson Store 100
Calorie: 169 kcal per 1 pack( 51g )

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Calbee, Inc. launched Jagariko which is one of the brand of the company in 1995.

Jagariko is stick of potatoes and is unique in texture.

When I ate Jagariko first, I felt marvelous.

But I could not believe it was made from potatoes.

It is packed in the cup that is made from paper.

 The cup looks cool, it is very easy to get the lid open and have Jagariko.

Jagariko is crisper than potato chips, first you may feel it is hard to enjoy it.

But gradually you will be able to eat Jagariko, and some people are addicted to have it.

Young men buy a bulk purchase by amazon.

There are a lot of taste of Jagariko.

Mainly Sarada, Cheese and butter are popular.

The image is Jagariko of Sarada taste.

Parsley and carrot are mixed in Jagariko, it seems healthy,it might just be me.

  • Name: Jagariko Sarada
  • Category:Molded potato
  • Maker : Calbee, Inc.
  • Price: 121 yen (= 1.05 dollar as at 1/21/2017)
  • Mart : Lawson Store 100 
  • Calorie:298 kcal per 1 pack (60g)

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Potato Chips flavored by rich consomme

Potato chips are very popular among young people in Japan.

They are available at most stores such as convenience stores.

The most famous brand is Calbee, Inc. that controls 73% of domestic market share.

The number 2 company in the market is KOIKE-YA Inc. that controls 22% of domestic share.

adverse side

One of the products of KOIKE-YA Inc. is Potato Chips flavored by rich consomme.

I wondered why the name is "rich" consomme, so I checked out the reason of putting the word "rich"
in the name of the product.

reverse side

Unfortunately I could not find the persuasive answer on the internet.

I guess the amount of consomme is more than other company's product.

I think Potato chips of KOIKE-YA Inc. is crunchier than that of Calbee, Inc.

I love eating crunchy potato chips, so buy Potato Chips flavored by "rich" consomme at the convenience stores often.

a bit crunchy

The price is a little expensive, it is 108 yen per 1 package (60g).

It is very interesting to compare the taste of each brand, Calbee, Inc., KOIKE-YA Inc., Yamayoshi Seika Co.,Ltd. and so on.

  • 【DATA】
  • Name: Potato chips rich consomme
  • Category:potato chips
  • Maker : KOIKE-YA Inc.
  • Price: 108 yen (= 91 cents as at 1/3/2017)
  • Mart : Lawson Store 100
  • Calorie:334 kcal per 1 pack (60g)

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Ghana White Chocolate

When I see the package of the white chocolate "Ghana" I feel happy recalling the taste.

adverse side

reverse side

LOTTE Co., Ltd is selling the series of Ghana Chocolate.

The company started to sell the milk chocolate Ghana in 1964.

It had sold chewing gum mainly until then.

The name of Ghana comes from the country “Ghana” where is famous for cacao.

Now the brand of Ghana becomes one of the main product of LOTTE Co., Ltd.

The chocolate contains two kinds of blended vanilla and the taste of rich milk is pulled out.

The company produces the chocolate with a special manufacturing method (MGM manufacturing method) .

The volume is 45g, compared to 50g of normal Ghana milk.

It means a little more expensive and the size is small, not enough for young men.

But it will make you feel happy by the taste.

Vanilla makes a good scent that works well.

I imagined the taste like Ghana milk, but the taste of milk is not so thick.

  • 【DATA】
  • Name: Ghana White Chocolate
  • Category:Chocolate
  • Maker : LOTTE Co., Ltd
  • Price: 108 yen (= 91 cents as at 1/3/2017)
  • Mart : Lawson Store 100
  • Calorie:279 kcal 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Potato Chips flavored by consomme

Most Japanese people like potato chips.

Some are addicted to potato chips, so are likely to get fat, and can not help but eat potato chips every day.

Potato chips are available in most stores such as convenience stores, supermarkets.

Particularly Potato Chips Lightly Salted of Calbee, Inc. is very popular among young people.

adverse side

It was launched in 1975, and Potato Chips flavored by consomme which I like best was launched in 1978.

reverse side

Potato Chips of Calbee, Inc. are longtime seller, so I think there is no person who do not know those products in Japan.

I usually buy Potato Chips at a convenience store after work, it is a little fun for me.

Potato Chips are addictive snacks which have a lot of calories.

It is necessary to choose a moderate size, it means the products come in several sizes which are 28g, 60g, 85g, 135g, 170g.

The picture of Potato Chips is 60g size.

  • 【DATA】
  • Name: Potato chips consomme punch
  • Category:potato chips
  • Maker : Calbee, Inc.
  • Price: 108 yen (= 91 cents as at 1/3/2017)
  • Mart : Lawson Store 100
  • Calorie:336 kcal per 1 pack (60g)